- Art & Culture > Julie Babock (Chair)
- Civic Engagement & Outreach > Carla Furr (Chair)
- Education & Libraries > Anne Micheal (Chair)
- Environment> Kelly Seidel (Chair)
- Health & Wellness> Connie Buttlar (Chair)
- Nominating Committee 2022 > Julie Babock (Chair), Marshal Ingram, Yvonne Caldwell, Lauralyn Popp and Alternates: Cheryl Avery and Rose Marie Nesbitt
- ARTS AND CRAFTS Cheryl Avery (Chair), Rose Marie Nesbitt
- BUDGET Alice Mound (Chair), Cathy Stringer, Connie Buttlar and Karen VanHyning
- BY LAWS Anne Michael (Chair), Julie Babcock, Terry Rudman, Jac Littlefield, Cathy Stringer, Marsha Ingram and Kelly Seidel
- HONOR SCORING Jac Littlefield (Chair), Kelly Seidel
- MEMBERSHIP Janice Schwarz (Chair)
- PHILANTHROPIC Cathy Stringer (Chair), Alice Mound, Yvonne Caldwell, Christine Flora, Janice Schwarz, Kim Owens and Lauralyn Popp
- PUBLICITY Kim Owens (Chair), Jac Littlefield
- SCHOLARSHIP Christine Flora (Chair), Cathy Stringer, Alice Mound and Yvonne Caldwell
- VENUE Cathy Stringer (Chair), Christine Flora, Alice Mound, Yvonne Caldwell and Lauralyn Popp
- YEARBOOK Kim Owens (Chair)