1951-52 The Club organized a Drama Department, and we found much unexpected “hidden talent” in our membership which we showed off with several one-act plays.
1952-55 We loved Ike for bringing the men home from Korea and the FFWC for recognizing our club with its 304 members as the fastest growing club in the Florida Federation.
1954-55 Our present club property on Little Pottsburg Creek was purchased for $27,000 after the club was notified by the State Road Department of its intention to bring the
proposed Jacksonville Expressway over the Gary Street clubhouse location. After the sale of the clubhouse to the state, we held meetings in Hendricks Avenue Memorial Church.
1955-56 Salk vaccine ended the threat of polio, and our club supported community health by organizing a Ladies Auxiliary for Baptist Hospital (now the Baptist Medical Center
Auxiliary). In July, bids were received for the present clubhouse. Groundbreaking ceremonies for our new $80,000 club home were held with the aid of a generous loan from Mr. Carl Swisher and a
successful sale of bonds to members and friends.
1957-58 While Federal troops went into Little Rock, Arkansas, more than 500 club members, 123 Junior Club members, and 60 Little Women rallied to our club's financial needs.
An Advisory Committee of 15 civic-minded men aided us in planning and wisely building for the future in our new club building, and we hired our first Executive Secretary.
1958-59 Southside Woman's Club continued to expand its Civic, Philanthropic and Cultural Activities. We had occupied our new building for two years, and we now paved the
parking lot. A Rental Schedule was formed and the Scholarship Fund was increased. 476 Members in the Senior Club, 146 in the Junior Club with 62 in the Little Women's Group. Card parties
and luncheons every month for members to become better acquainted.