GFWC FL Southside Woman's Club of Jacksonville "Women Inspiring Community Spirit"
     GFWC FLSouthside Woman's Club of Jacksonville "Women Inspiring Community Spirit"      

History by the Decade

2001 - 2010

2000-2011    We hosted the 1st Annual District 4 Talent Competition at the Arts & Crafts Festival. From FFWC we received 1st Overall for Education, 2nd Place for Club Communications, and the Notable Achievement Award for Art Ed/Appreciation & Arts Scholarships. In bingo, 17 members put in 2400 volunteer hours. Improvements were made such as a facelift to the ladies' restroom, ceiling tiles in the lobby, and carpet for the back entry. Our old floor scrubber was replaced, and the kitchen range hood fire extinguisher was brought up to code. A problem with our outdated septic tank system was reported and turned over to an engineer.

2001-2002    The day prior to our Opening Reception, September 11th, terrorist attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., causing the loss of thousands of lives. This day became known to every American as 9-11 and brought about war against terrorism in Afghanistan. Our October Club Meeting had a patriotic theme in support of the many men and women fighting for our freedom here at home and overseas. Our ladies were determined to reach their goals and received recognition for their hard work with awards from Civic Round Table. District 4 and State. Our neighbor, Hollinshead Taylor, was recognized for his efforts to beautify the wetlands behind the club; and work began on the Waste Water Treatment System. On top of our usual fundraisers, we held a Rummage/Bake Sale. Two hundred new chairs were ordered to replace some that were worn out.

2002-2003    The interior of our clubhouse (including the hallway, ballrooms, lobby, and kitchen) received new paint. The Fire Marshall inspected the building and minor improvements were completed, The Waste Water Treatment System was completed, but the Phase II Lift Station has an odor problem that needs to be addressed. We awarded ten college scholarships and sent five HOBY students to Tallahassee. Our Bylaws and Standing Rules were updated. All of this was accomplished while our country was at war with Iraq.

2003-2004    As our city celebrated the Centennial of Flight (1903-2003) our club celebrated its 90th Birthday and 40th Prayer Breakfast. After effectively dealing with the controversial workplace Smoking Ban which depleted our bingo profits, we were able to scrape together enough funds to purchase a new ice maker and computer, and repaint our handicap parking area. Copies of our yearbooks were donated, upon request to the University of North Florida and placed in their media center to chronicle the history of club women in Jacksonville. We officially entered the 21st Century as we went online and received our first Internet E-Mail address and Webpage. Hosting the District 4 Arts & Crafts Festival was another added pleasure.

2004-2005    Our troubles began in July when our club was broken into causing us to replace broken glass in the front entry and purchase a new Bingo Safe. Then, during the month of September, Florida was hit with four hurricanes which caused significant damage to our clubhouse and grounds along with the cancellation of our Opening Reception and several nights of bingo. Recovering from these disasters included installing a new A/C compressor, an entirely new flat roof, ceiling tiles, insulation, and also massive tree and debris removal. In November, our Prayer Breakfast was cancelled due to poor attendance for the first time in 40 years. A Membership Orientation Luncheon was hosted in February to welcome any new members. In April a Memory Garden was dedicated honoring four of our ladies that passed away in 2004. For some good news, the bingo profits were up once again making it possible for us to make generous contributions to charities, award 1 0 scholarships and support five HOBY students. Work began on the office makeover which was last done 20 years ago. This included reconstruction of a water-damaged wall; and the installation of new wallpaper, carper, and vinyl baseboards. Amendments to our Articles and Bylaws were approved with changes to be effective next term.

2005-2006    The office makeover was completed with the woodwork painted, and the purchase of a computer monitor, filing cabinets, guest chairs & glass table, intercom control box, desk, credenza, and vertical blinds. Building improvements such as pressure washing & painting the exterior, replacing the side door by the kitchen, replacing the wooden posts that lined the drive with metal reflectors, spreading mulch around landscape, and a new sign posted on Beach Blvd., were donated by the local office park. We hung our first mailbox at the front entrance, and new vertical blinds in the Small Ballroom. We won 1st Place in District & State for the FFWC President’s Project, Operation Smile, by hosting the August President's Council & Auction and donating over S 14,000. Our club helped out with the Tsunami Relief in Asia and victims of Hurricane Katrina which flooded New Orleans. This was the first year we included photos of our members in the yearbook. Dues were increased, and members were urged to become pen pals to those serving in Iraq.

2006-2007    The Air compressors for the large ballroom was replaced on the 15-ton unit, Ceiling tiles were painted in the small ballroom and hallway. Restroom improvements included getting the ceiling repaired and textured and the walls repaired, painted and replaced the old ply plumbing, Midtown Center donated having the stripes painted in the lower parking lot and a new bingo sign on Beach Blvd. We had the outlets moved higher for the coffee pots in the kitchen and purchased six new round tables from the Jax Beaches Woman's Club. Bingo did not do well this year resulting in a marked decrease in donations made this year.

2007-2008     One of our greatest improvements was the installation of the new fence around the lower parking lot. We had an arborist trim our trees and remove the dead tree. Our secretary who had been with us for ten years resigned and we hired a part-time manager/bookkeeper. Our Finance Director promoted two successful mini-flea markets along with our annual fashion show. The Thrift Store which was opened two years ago continued to do well. We were awarded second place from FFWC for President's Project, ROCK-Making Dreams Come True, as we donated $5300 realized from the Arts & Craft Vendors show and 50" television raffle.

We donated use of our clubhouse to Sulzbacher Center for their Christmas Party and to Jacksonville Scholarships, Inc. for beauty pageant interviews. Due to a decline in bingo, no scholarships were granted. Member Dot Williamson was recognized with a very lovely article in The Florida Times-Union for making our Christmas stockings for Meals on Wheels. Bingo started the Treasure Chest drawings which have proved quite popular, and we purchased 110 ash trays. New doors were installed in the maintenance room and new panels were put on the French doors of the main ballroom. In order to keep abreast of rising costs, we raised the rent and deposit on rentals of our building.

2008-2009    We had to purchase a new freezer for S748.00 and a new refrigerator for S2, 400 in

August 2008, we set aside $5,000 from Charitable and Educational account to Scholarship account to be paid out to students in the fall of 2009. In September, 2008 our President, Pat Bushor, hired a new Snack Bar Manager. In October 2008 we had to purchase a new Bingo Machine for $9,356. In July 2008, we started selling Pull Tabs and Lucky 13 Tabs during Bingo. These have been very successful, averaging $5,000 profit per month. In December 2008, 215 stockings were cut out and sewn by Dot Williamson and Sonja Brislin. They were decorated and filled with assorted items by members and distributed to Meals on Wheels for Christmas. We had a Nut Fundraiser from November 2008 to January 2009 with a profit of $667. Coldwater Creek hosted our Fashion Show in February, and with the Silent Auction we cleared $2,300 profit. Finance Direct Sandra Marshall was very pleased.

2009-2010    We purchased a new Heat & Air wall unit for the kitchen, a new AC thermostat for the small ballroom, a new A/C compressor for the large ballroom and new chairs for bingo. We paid $4,000 to Scholarships from the Charitable and Educational Account in 2009. Bingo was our main fundraiser; but we also had a fashion Show, silent auction, raffle, nut sale, book sales, 50/50 drawings, and a thrift store, our ladies also participated in making Christmas Stockings, recycling items, and a food drive all in support of local charities. We hosted the District 4 Arts &. Crafts in February and had members that attended District President Council Meetings and FFWC Conventions. We hired a returning office manager and a new snack bar manager in 2010.



Be Sure to Mark Your Calendar for This Upcoming Event...

•    January 16, 2025 – SWCJAX Arts & Crafts Competition

•    GFWC FL D4 Arts & Crafts Competition in Starke, FL February 21, 2025

•  Menopause The Musical 2 April 12, 2025

2024-2026 GFWC FL President's Project

2024-2026 GFWC FL D4 Director's Project


January 16, 2025
@ 11am
Country Club!!!

For more information or
to reserve your spot, call
Cathy  (904-525-3890) or
Jac (207-730-1659).

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today” Croft M. Pentz

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