GFWC FL Southside Woman's Club of Jacksonville "Women Inspiring Community Spirit"
     GFWC FLSouthside Woman's Club of Jacksonville "Women Inspiring Community Spirit"      

History by the Decade

1921 - 1930

1921       Our club inaugurated "the Roaring Twenties" by the building of a new clubhouse on the comer of Gary and Flagler Streets, and the first PTA in South Jacksonville was organized by the club's Education Department. The club donated two sets of books to the new Southside Library.

1923       Settled in the new club home, the club joined the General Federation of Women's Clubs and acted as hostess club for the first District IV meeting.

1925       "Silent Cal" became president of the U.S, and our club raised $1,000 on its first Demonstration Fair, using this fund to purchase a baby grand piano, which is still being used by our club! To provide club training opportunities for younger women, the Junior Women’s Club was organized.

1926       Lucky Lindy became America's hero with his solo flight across the Atlantic, and with its membership soaring to over 1OO members, the club initiated a Scholarship Loan Fund. Sadly, a bank failure caused a loss of $272.35 in club funds.

1929-30    The stock market crashed, and the Great Depression began. Though the club had bought a new lot in Vila Alexandria for a larger clubhouse, hard times forced relinquishing of the lot, now the site of the Southside Presbyterian Church.



Be Sure to Mark Your Calendar for This Upcoming Event...

•    September 19, 2024 – SWCJAX Open House “Around the World!”

•    SWCJAX 1st Annual Membership Drive at Tamaya ~ October 9th ~ 3-4

    SWCJAX Garage Gale ~ October 12th 

For more information or
to reserve your spot, call
Cathy  (904-525-3890) or
Jac (207-730-1659).


"Around the World" Open House Thursday,
September 19, 2024
@ 10am
Country Club!!!

The Southside Woman’s Club of Jacksonville’s will be having an on-line NUTS & CANDY Sale as a Fundraising Project...the money raised will go to support Florida School of the Deaf & Blind in St. Augustine.

Go to... and order today!!!


“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today” Croft M. Pentz

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