1910 - 1920
1912 The Titanic sank, but in Jacksonville the 16 members of the South Jacksonville Book Club launched a woman's club, and attended the Florida Federation of Women's Clubs Convention held in this city.
1913 The U.S. enacted the Income Tax Law, and on November 23 the Woman's Club of South Jacksonville became an officially organized club, with Elizabeth Swain as
its first President.
1914 World War 1 began in Europe, and the new club, now with a membership of 57, joined the FFWC, club meetings were held in Grace Methodist Church (now the Swain
Memorial Church). Dues were $3.00 a year and $.25 for guests! First yearbook published.
1916 Wilson pledged to "keep the US out of the war, and our club built a clubhouse on the corner of Gary and Palm Streets, on a lot donated by Mr. and Mrs. W.
Lyon. The hard work of dedicated club husbands made this building possible.
1918 The U.S. sent its men "over there" to “make the world safe for democracy.” With their new clubhouse requisitioned for the war effort, our club members
returned to Swain Memorial Church for their meetings.